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Monday, December 17, 2012

Part 2: The Smarty Pants? Top 10 Business Card Boo-Boo?s! - cheap nike heels

Yes, you can buy a package of pre-cuts at Staples or Office Depot for under $10, and print them yourself on your little desktop inkjet moncler jackets. But the stock is a lightweight so it will feed through your printer (card weight stock is sure to jam) and flimsy is not professional.

Customers see those little perforated edges and hear a little nest of baby birds singing Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! You can have business cards printed on a digital press (most print shops have them now) in a small run of 100 for about $50 - $100 cheap jordan shoes. Ask for a good quality heavy-weight stock (most printers can handle 12 pt or 100 lb card).

And ask to see a proof before having them print the whole works australia luxe shoes . Its a great way to get started, especially if the business is new and you want to test the card before settling on a final design.

For a start-up its an economical solution not Cheap!Boo-Boo #2 kobe bryant shoes. The card does not match the services and products you sell.

The quality of the card its design and print production should match the level of products and services you are selling. If you are selling four- and five-figure products and services, then you should be investing some solid coin on professional design, high-end paper and proper print production. Remember, your business card is your traveling salesman it has to reflect the level of products and services you provide in other words, it has to portray the brand that you have built.In the Victorian era, gentlemen used calling cards. It was gauche to hand out a business card at a social function (and yes, there is still business card etiquette required today too thus the calling card is making a comeback). But the calling card of old carries forward some principles that business cards hold today. Here is an excerpt from a wonderful post on The Art of Manliness blog: (I bolded a couple of important points for the purpose of this article.)In the 19th and early 20th century, social interaction was a richly cultivated, well-mannered affair. The tool that facilitated these interactions was the calling card The calling card also served as a way to brand your social identity. The way your card looked and felt or the way you handed it to someone communicated your standing and relationship with the receiver.Even in the Victorian age, a personal brand was vital.Boo-Boo #1. No call to action.Maybe you havent noticed, but you DO have a second side to your business card. Use this right, and youve doubled your real estate purchase and can increase interest in your business.Are you using the other side of your card effectively If youre just prattling off a grocery list of all the things you do or sell, youve wasted that space. Make it about the customer what benefit do they get by keeping this card handyWithout a call to action, what is to prevent a prospect from placing your card in the round file Give them a next step to the relationship. Weve seen dentists, salons and other appointment-based businesses use this space to remind customers Your next appointment is on ____ at ___ a.m./p.m. Its a great way to assure repeat business.Provide a coupon on their first purchase in your store. Offer a free report from your website. Use it as a punch card buy 10, get one free. These are all commonly used methods of giving people a reason to keep your card handy, to call you or visit your website. Give it some thought, and get creative.Heres an excellent example the best Ive seen yet:A friend of mine is a very successful car salesman at a Ford dealership (hes one of the best Ford has in Canada). When he handed me his business card, it looked like a typical corporate-issue dealership card. Clear printing, high quality, easy to read, large boldface on his name, accessible contact information, and the Ford logo. And obviously I know Ford builds and sells cars and trucks. Then I flipped the card over.

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